When looking for some decent Mexican food, few things come to mind more so than little hole-in-the-wall places, and on Fairview in Costa Mesa one stands out: Super Antojitos.
A tiny restaurant that’s one of 3, the other two locations being in Santa Ana and Tustin. This easy to get to eatery gives the family owned atmosphere with quick service and moderately priced meals. What this little restaurant lacks in menu options it makes up for in taste and customer service.
I ordered two chicken tacos, which involved shredded chicken, cilantro, onion, and salsa. While incredibly spicy, there was plnty of flavor and the soft shell served to balance some of the intense heat. The chips of the complementary chips and salsa were crisp and thick with just enough crunch, and while the salsa had great flavor, I would have appreciated it more had it been just a touch less spicy to enjoy the flavor more. My experience at the restaurant itself was fairly impressive all around. I sat down at the bar and was almost immediately greeted with a menu and glass of water, and very shortly after brought chips and salsa. The service was incredibly prompt, and after placing an order waited perhaps eight minutes before being brought my food. When readying to leave, my check was brought immediately, then just as quickly when I paid, and returned just as quickly. The service was so attentive and quick that combined with the moderately priced food, it's definitely a win.
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