
Friday, August 28, 2015

Makeup for days and days...

   Another day and here's yet another palette! UD's old Smoked palette finally got to see its day in the sun after I've had it in my beauty arsenal for like 3 months.  I wasn't super sure what I wanted to do with this one, as the colors are really heavy and dark for the most part, but there are a couple of really nice neutrals that make it all even out nice. I also wound up adding a different coppery moon dust to the lid to give some shimmer and blend with the rest of the shadow. Even though the palette isn't really around anymore, all of the colors in it are still available.
Also keeping the whole new lipstick ea. day thing going, I used one of my Lime Crime Velvetines in Wicked to go with the nice sort of autumn colors I had going on in the eye look. I really do like the velvetines quite a bit, thigh they can be a bit drying and i feel like you really need to have some nice non-chapped lips going on for them to work out well. This color in particular tends to come off a little more than you would typically expect of these bad boys, as they really do stay on and don't get on anything (unless you're eating), so I don't recommend wearing white with this lipstick... But same brow shindig going on, and Cannonball mascara are also getting in here.

And here's some Black Milk for good measure. These shoes are SO damn comfy, i need one in every color. SolestruckXBlackmilkclothing forever. Seriously love this bomber though, I need like 5 of them. How can you say no to Disney too?? You can't.

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